The Vanguard Project

Jen Bowmast and Josephine Cachemaille – The Vanguard Project, 2016, Salt Gallery, Nelson   Rachel Brown Photography

The project is documented on Instagram  Facebook

National Contemporary Art Award 2016, Merit Award – Cachemaille & Bowmast, “Push Me Pull You”, 2016

This installation of costumes and tools were created during a six-week residency in Nelson’s Salt gallery. The artists established the gallery as a working studio using the surrounding area as a source of materials, meanings and methods of making. The project investigated both the demystification and mystification of art practice by exposing the usually hidden art-making, artists’ experiments, tests and failures. The public was invited to participate as active collaborators by contributing suggestions, materials and wearing the works

Wallace Art Awards 2016, Jury Award Winner – Cachemaille & Bowmast, “Are you picking up what I am putting down?”, 2016